Status as of 15/10/20
We are shocked and and saddened by the new developments in the conflict within the Armenian region of Nagorno-Karabakh, also known as Artsakh. We are in touch with our friends in Armenia multiple times per day.
An armistice was declared on Saturday 10 October, but accounts of violations of the truce are a daily occurrence. The situation is confusing and it seems unlikely that a solution will be found soon. The conflict seems unsolvable, and losses are beyond words...
Armenian sources reported 532 casulaties on the Armenian side yesterday, including many young recruits, several people from Spitak, some of them close to the Spitak YMCA. We grieve the victims of this war and pray for the bloodshed to end.
Day-to-day life in Armenia seems to go on, but this is a humanitarian crisis in the making. After being hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis, the country of Armenia is now under direct threat. The government has advised all citizens who have not been drafted into the military to furnish indivdual emergency kits and prepare to leave their homes on short notice to take refuge elsewhere. In Yerevan, in other cities as well as in rural areas.
Many people have already fled from their homes in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh, looking for refuge elsewhere within Armenia. Various institutions and organisations, as well as private individuals, have stepped up to offer these people shelter and a temporary home. Among the refugees are many women, children and seniors.
The Spitak YMCA has made the decision to offer its entire infrastructure as a shelter for families from Nagorno-Karabakh in these difficult times. Families receive a roof over their heads, meals and eduation for school-aged children. Once again, the Spitak YMCA is providing invaluable aid in the midst of this new crisis.
To help cover costs for this emergency shelter, we are now again collecting donations for the Spitak YMCA's work. To do this, we've decided to use "I Care For You", a Swiss crowdfunding platform. Please help us by giving out the following link to people you know:
Thank you for your continuing support.