A workout for your relationship.

Relationships - the most precious things we have

Relationships - the most precious things we have

Every investment in your marriage is worth it!
Just like even a little practice in playing sports results in more fun and success,
a little advice and an outside perspective can make the difference in your relationship!

What do the two corners of the speech bubble mean?


A simple conversation. Someone who is willing to listen. Put into words what is bothering me. This brings clarity and calms my thoughts.


Questions help me to see new perspectives. Asking God lets me see things in a different light. I become willing to embrace change.

Counselling, Weekends
Training, practice, peer consulting
Beratung, Begleitung, Einsätze
Strengthening couples

Strengthening couples

We practice dealing with imperferctions in order to care for each other. We see difficulties as an opportunity to learn and grow in our relationship. Where can we discover new things together?
New inspirations for life as a couple
Small group
Every second Thursday evening
At Hasliberg, BE

Couples conversations

Meet up with another couple who will offer advice at eye level.
At an initial meeting, you can get to know each other and decide if this is right for you.

Several couples we know and trust lead the couples' conversations.

Meet for a free initial consultation to decide if you're right for each other. After that, you can agree to another three to five sessions.

Couples who offer counselling can subscribe to the following:

  • In our own marriage, we have been helped by conversations and counselling - both in times of crisis and in our everyday lives.
  • We have been trained as counsellors at "LiSa Eheatelier" and we believe in the importance of God's offer to set people free.
  • Believers, doubters and sceptics are welcome. We look forward to meeting you.

If you're interested, fill out the attached form and send it in. We will transmit your registration to one of our counselling couples. They will contact you in order to set an appointment. Marriage.coaching is only responsible for  establishing contact.


You can also find couples offering counselling though the "LiSa Eheatelier" Foundation. Find an offer near you:

download pdf
Merkblatt Erstgespräch

Anmeldung zum Gespräch

Kostenloses Erstgespräch. Danach schlagen wir eine Serie von vier bis fünf Gesprächen vor.
Your full name*
Partner's full name*
Address (city)*

Small groups

Hear about what other couples are struggling with. Encourage them - and receive encouragment for your own struggles.

Small group in Zurich Seebach

Every second Thursday at 7:30 PM

Fresh inspirations for your marriage in six months. It's encouraging to hear where other couples want to grow and improve. Gain new insights for your own relationship with the help of others.

Evening meetings near Zurich

One host couple opens their home for an evening and offers a dinner. Each evening, we will choose a relatonship topic to talk about and share our experiences. Another couple moderates the conversation in the group, which is made up of different guests every time. Who will be the host for next time?

Find a free place

Weekends for couples

A time-out and conversations for us as a couple. Fresh wind for our relationship. New lightness and love for each other.

Enjoy each other as a couple. Experience community and companionship, spend time in nature. Discuss a relationship topic during activities - hear about how other couples face the same issue - reflect on what we want to change.

We won't have any group conversations or plenary meetings. This weekend is about your relationship, personally! However, our team is happy to offer counselling sessions.



Mariage.coaching conferences, weekends and visits to church communities. Everyone is welcome!

Sat 6 February 2021

Couples' Day at YMCA/YWCA Basel
9 AM - 5 PM

Marriage - love grows
Strengthening relationships

More info / registration


Interested? Get in touch with
Raoul & Marianne Hottinger
079 5 259 259

Sat 12 – 13 June 2021

Couples' weekend at Hasliberg, BE

Marriage - success in relationships 
Opposites that aren't mutually exclusive

Fresh wind for our relationship. A new sense of lightness and love for each other.

Being independent and being there for each other - a view on relationships where both are possible. Allowing room for each other and still creating closeness.

More info / registration

Sat 30 – 31 October 2021

Couples' weekend at Hasliberg, BE

Marriage - love grows

Living forgiveness


Interested? Get in touch with
Raoul & Marianne Hottinger
079 5 259 259

Connecting and supporting counsellors

Connecting and supporting counsellors

Is supporting married couples an issue close to your heart?
Would you like to grow in this challenge or connect and share ideas with other couples who offer counselling?
Exchange & continued education
Learning by doing
Reflect on your practice with others

Team Trainings

Support and guide couples to trust each other anew and find strength in their relationship.
What issues do couples face? What can help them to overcome their struggles?

Connect and share ideas with marriage counsellors

To prepare a marriage counselling weekend, we will choose one relationship issue to discuss in depth. Experienced marriage counsellors as well as other interested couples support the organising team on a day of preparation. Personal and professional exchange of ideas helps to keep the content relevant to the issues participating couples face.

Field experience at a coaching event

After the team training, you will have the chance to gain experience in the field by helping out at a marriage counselling weekend as an intern. Here, you can learn from more experienced counsellors in practice and enhance your knowledge of a specific relationship topic. 

Practical experience

Decide whether marriage counselling will be the new shared passion in your relationship. Gain experiences working together as a couple.

Enjoy a marriage coaching event together as a couple, and be a part of the organising team at the same time. Learn in practice how marriage counselling couples deal with challenges as team members. Support the team in prayer or by taking over various tasks.


Pre-requisite for helping at a marriage coaching event is taking part in the team training day, where you will help prepare both the content and administrative tasks for the coaching weekend.

Available tasks - you may assume any of the following tasks based on your experience, aptitude and willingness to try something new:

  • Support in prayer
  • Recount your personal experiences with a specified topic
  • Sett up and maintain experience places for couples
  • Moderate group and plenary sessions together with a member of the organising team
  • Pray with couples
  • Conduct counselling sessions with participating couples (prerequisite: trained at LiSa Eheatelier)

Peer support

Reflect on your own marriage as well as your counselling practice with a group of other counsellors.

Meet up twice yearly with a fixed group of other married couples who offer relationship counselling. We strongly recommend this for any couples offering counselling: 

  • Peer support can help you deal with setbacks and emotionally straining situations
  • It helps to further develop and hone your skills
  • It keeps you grounded and helps you deal with mistakes
  • You are part of a team

These topics will be discussed at peer support meetings:

  • How do we work together as a couple offering counselling?
  • Which factors can help our client couples to trust us as counsellors?
  • Which attitudes in our client couples can impede their progress? How do we address these?
  • Which issues do couples face, and what strengthens their bond?

Get in touch with us.
We would love to talk to you about marriage counselling and how to best offer support to people in relationships.

Conferences and weekends
We'd love to meet you!
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Developing relationship culture in church communities

Developing relationship culture in church communities

Couples from a church community receive coaching from an external team in order to host a couples' event in their church. Within the team, participants have the opportunity to learn how different and imperfect people can work together and complement each other. Contents and methods of teaching should be consistent with each other.
Developing relationship culture in church communities
Receive coaching as a team
Couples' evenings and weekends

Coaching and support

How can you help to strengthen relationships and marriages in your church community? We would be honored to support and guide you in building offers for couples in your church.

We want to connect with you to to form a network of offers to strengthen couples' relationships. We want seeking advice from experienced couples, and sharing experiences on relationship topics to be a part of our lifestyle in the church.

We'd love to share our experiences. Connecting suitable couples from church communities through marriage.coaching and giving them the chance to gather their own experience with counselling. Through this, we hope to build strong, independent teams in various church communities who are there to support married couples.

Marriage.coaching is partnered with the following offers:

Practical experience

Within the team, participants have the opportunity to learn how different and imperfect people can work together and complement each other. Contents and methods of teaching should be consistent with each other and be of practical use in couples' everyday lives..

Couples' evening in your church community

A team from a local church community hosts the event and plans a social program. Often, events are ended with a formal dinner with a table for each couple. One of our counselling couples plans the content for the evening.  Such an evening is a good opportunity for building trust and getting couples interested for more.


Possible topics for couples' evenings:

  • Three are stronger than two
  • Are you even listening?
  • War and peace

Marriage conference or weekend

Couples from a church community receive training from an external team to host an event for couples in their church.  Inexperienced couples are given the chance to learn and grow.

To prepare, we recommend you take part in a marriage.coaching couples' weekend as an intern. This is an excellent opportunity to gain experience before hosting your own event.



  • Success in relationships: How opposites can complement each other
  • Love grows: Strengthening our relationship
  • Before I decide: Making decisions together — taking responsibility — accepting consequences
  • Forgiveness: A lifestyle that will set you free

Get in touch with us! 
We'd love to talk to you about relationship counselling in your church and how we can help create more offers for couples.

Contact us


Sihlstrasse 33
8021 Zürich

Donation account
PC 80-1050-3
Payment note:


Raoul & Marianne 
+41 79 5 259 259

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