Everything that's happening, at a glance.


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Frequent events and activities

The following events and activities take place at regular intervals.
08.30 AM - 1.30 PM Gloggespiel morning group* Chittagong
1 - 5 PM Cevi Café Concept space
1.30 - 6 PM Gloggespiel hourly childcare Chittagong
6 - 7.15 PM Exercise training Main hall
Once a month:    
7.30 PM Prayer group Schwyzerstübli
08.30 AM - 1.30 PM Gloggespiel morning group* Chittagong
1 - 5 PM Cevi Café Concept space
1 - 6 PM  Tuition* Main hall
1.30 - 6 PM Gloggespiel hourly childcare Chittagong
08.30 AM - 1.30 PM Gloggespiel morning group* Chittagong
1 - 5 PM Cevi Café Concept space
1.30 - 6 PM Gloggespiel hourly childcare Chittagong
Every two weeks:    
7.30 - 10 PM Pottery workshop Pottery workshop
Once a month:    
12.15 PM Cevi Lunch Concept space
08.30 AM - 1.30 PM Gloggespiel morning group* Chittagong
1 - 5 PM Cevi Café Concept space
08.30 AM - 1.30 PM Gloggespiel morning group* Chittagong
10 AM - 5 PM Cevi Café Concept space
9 AM - 1 PM Tuition* Main hall
9 AM - 6 PM Gloggespiel hourly childcare Chittagong
4-6x per year:    
2.30 PM Cevi Cinema - family movie Main hall
7.30 PM Cevi Cinema Main hall
Once a year:    
2 - 5 PM GUMP - Children's music festival Main hall
11 AM - 5 PM Christmas market entire house
Special events    
Once a year:    
Christmas Eve, 24 Dec A different kind of Christmas Concept space
*Does not take place during school holidays.