Your time and financial support are valuable!

The work of the YMCA/YWCA Zurich is largely based on volunteer work and depends on donations.
We do not receive subsidies or other regular public contributions.

Our work as a non-profit organisation is made possible by donations.

Because of our certification by ZEWO, the Swiss certification authority for charities, your donation to us is tax-deductible.

Our committed volunteers help us maintain our many offers and extend our opening hours.

Item donations in good condition (clothes, furniture, cutlery, ...) help keep the offers in our flea market new and exciting, and make it possible for us to hold our Christmas market every year as a fundraising event.

Help us continue our work,offer community acitvities and be there for those who need it!

Around 280 people volunteer with the YMCA/YWCA Zurich at regular or irregular intervals. Many more choose to invest a part of their earnings to make our work possible. Repeatedly, we have had the honour of receiving bequests from people who wish to support us even after their death.

Do you see a way for you to help support our work? 
Get in touch - we'd be thrilled!

Your donation makes a difference!

Our wokr is only possible because of the broad support through our members, sponsors, project-based funding and help from other foundations.
We depend on you to keep having successes with our activities, and we'd be thrilled to count on your donation!
Your donation help us to keep our offers free or low-priced, so that low-income families can participate.

Financial support

Thank you for your general or  project-specific (Gloggespiel, Tuition, Armenia, ...) donation to:

PC 80-1050-3
Owner: Cevi Zürich, Postfach, 8021 Zürich

IBAN: CH73 0900 0000 8000 1050 3

The YMCA/YWCA Zurich is certified by ZEWO.


If not otherwise requested, donation receipts are sent  for donations exceeding CHF 100.00 with an official thank-you letter.

Donations receipts are sent to all donors at the beginning of every year for the sum of all donations during the last year. Donations to the YMCA/YWCA Zurich are tax-deductible.


Item donations

We're always grateful to receive item donations to support our work. At the moment, we're especially looking for...

An iPad

We're looking for an iPad, including older models, for use by our employees, as well as for presentations. Have you recently bought a new device, and are taking your older one out of commission? We'd be glad to receive your donation.


Brand name and designer clothing you no longer wear

Would you be willing to donate some brand name or designer clothes in good condition, if you no longer wear them? We're always looking for items for our second-hand clothing shop


Get in touch with us!

Items can be dropped off at any time during the opening hours of our café.

Thank you in advance!

Support the YMCA/YWCA Zurich while shopping online!

Would you like to support us without putting a further strain on your wallet? It's possible - and easy!

Here's how:

  • Register as a user at and select the YMCA/YWCA Zurich as the organisation you want to support. It's quick and completely free.
  • Next time you want to buy or order something online, log in to buy'n'help first.
  • Choose the retailer you want to shop at from the buy'n'help menu ("Buy" / "Kaufen") and you are redirected to their home page, where you can complete your shopping as usual.
  • Depending on the retailer, a varying percentage of revenue is credited to your buy'n'help account. 
  • As soon as your balance exceeds CHF 5, you can donate it to the YMCA/YWCA Zurich ("Help" / "Helfen")
  • The YMCA/YWCA Zurich receives the collected donations of all users as soon as they reach CHF 100.

Buy'n'help partners include almost all well-known online retailers in Switzerland, such as Ricardo,  Fleurop, Apple Store, ifolor, Zalando, eBookers etc. You can find a complete list at

Please consider taking this small detour the next time you order something online - we benefit from it directly!

Thank you for your support!

Gift certificates

Have you ever wondered what gift to give someone who already seems to have everything?

Help out a family in need, or order it as a gift for a friend - 10 hours of childcare at Gloggespiel for only CHF 110!

If you like, we will give it anonymously to the family who needs it most, or send the gift card to you.

More information / orders: gloggespiel(at)

Orders for Gloggespiel gift certificates

Order your Gloggespiel gift certificates through this form quickly and easily - either for a ten-hour voucher, or for single hours
E-mail address*
Your contact details*
Name of the gift recipient*
Number of single hours:*
Number of ten-hour care packages:*
Additional information


We are grateful for your prayers - be it from at home, or in our prayer meetings, which take place once a month

If you like, we will send you a monthly newsletter about our prayer concerns. Thank you for supporting us!

Subscribe to YMCA/YWCA Zurich prayer newsletter

You can subscribe to our monthly letter about our prayer concerns using this form.
Full name
E-mail address
Additional information

Recommend us.

Our advertising budget is small, so we're always grateful for word-of-mouth recommendations.

If you like, we can send you additional information in print or as a digital presentation. We'd love to hear about it if you want to prsent our work to your YMCA group, your friends or any other group.

Request additional information...

We're glad to hear you want to recommend us. Let us know how we can help you
Full name*
E-mail address*
What projects are you interested in?*
How can we help you?*